prouzek kontakt prouzek

doc. Ing. MARTIN ZRALÝ, CSc.

Since 1991 staff member of the Department (later Institute) of Enterprise Management and Economics

Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

CVUT znak



q     Lectures in engineering (magisterial) and bachelor study program  

ü   Course's names since 1996  


q     Responsibility and Lectures in Doctorate Study Program 

ü   Garant of a doctorate course 

ü   Leading of the doctorate student 

ü   Honoured doctorate works 


q     Cooperation and leading of Research Projects  

ü   Research project: MEF-CTU "Integrative Mechanical Engineering: Methods and Tools Development", responsible for the area of product costing models 

ü   Responsible coordinator of the Project: "Controlling and Management Accounting as Tools in Integration of Company Management", together with the team of Prof. Ing. B. Král, CSc., from the University of Economics in Prague 


q     University Publications  


q     Study Materials for students  


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