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Lectures on Prestigious and International Conferences since 1996


q       Zralý, M.: Hour Overhead Tariffs Method - A Tool of Centre Economy Evaluation, In: Proceedings from conference, pp.: 1107-1108, Brno, 22.- 24.1.1996, Organized by: CTU Prague + BBS Brno


q       Zralý, M.: Controlling is a Natural Development Stage in the Company Management, In: Proceedings from conference "Start with controlling successfully in your company", 12 pp., hotel Penta Renaissance, Prague, 10.-11.6.1996, Organized by: Institute for International Research, Wien




q       Zralý, M.: Hour Overhead Tariffs Method - An Excellent Controlling Tool, In: Proceedings from conference, pp1531-1532, Prague, 20.- 22.1.1997, Organized by: CTU Prague + BBS Brno + Univerz. in Ostrava


q       Zralý, M.: Creative Controlling Approach - A Tool of Efficient Management, In: proceedings from international conference "Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe and its Implications for the Economic Integration of the CEEC into a Wider Europe ", pp.: 611-615, ISBN: 80-85895-12-9, CZ, Blansko, 27.- 30.1.1997, Organized by: FP BBS Brno + Nottingham Business School + Nottingham Trent University


q       Zralý, M.: Enterprise Management from the complex point of view, In: Proceedings from "2.Controlling Conference IIR", 9 pp., hotel Penta Renaissance, Prague, 3.- 4.2.1997, Organized by: Institute for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference


q       Šverma, J., Zralý, M.: Cost Analysis as Assumption of their Control, In: Proceedings from conference "Optimal Cost Management", 12 pp., 3.- 4.11.1997, Organized by: Institut for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference




q         Beran, T., Zralý, M.: Overhead Cost Management in Machinery Company, , In: Proceedings from the conference: "Ways to increase Productivity and Production in Machinery Company", pp. 27-29, 22.1.1998, , Organized by: Masaryk Academy of Labor and Other Institutes


q       Beran, T., Zralý, M.: Methods of the Controlling Application in the Company, In: Proceedings from conference, pp.: 1089-1090, Prague, 3.-5.2.1998, Organized by: CTU Prague + BBS Brno + VŠB Ostrava

q         Zralý, M.: How to Keep Running of the Company Firmly in Hands, In: Proceedings from conference "Controlling for Managers", 21 pp., hotel Mövenpick, Prague, 25.-26.3.1998, repet.: hotel Voroněž, Brno, 15.-16.4.1998, Organized by: Institute for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference


q         Zralý, M.: Controlling and its Consequences, syllabus 25 pp., Ledeč, 13.5.1998, Organized by: Integrated Higher School of Machinery, Ledec&

q         Zralý, M.: Controlling - Its Roots and Presence in Czech Republic, Lecture in the framework of lessons for Postgraduate Studies MBA, DonauerUniversität, Krems, syllabus 16 pp., Prague, 20.5.1998, Organized by: Institute of Management and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague

q       Zralý, M.: Effective Cost Management Requires Deep Cost Analysis , In: Proceedings from conference "Cost and Returns- How to manage them effectively", 13 pp., 22.-23.6.1998, 22.-23.6.1998, hotel Mövenpick, Prague, Organized by: Institute for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference

q       Zralý, M.: The Success of the Controlling Application in the Company Depends

Strongly on the Used Methods, In: Proceedings from the international conference "Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Implications for the Economic Integration of the CEEC into a Wider Europe ", pp.: 719-726, ISBN: 80-214-1202-X, CZ, Brno, 2.-3.9.1998, Organized by: FP BBS Brno + University of Wisconsin-Whitewater + Nottingham Trent University


q       Zralý, M.: Accounting as managerial Tool, Syllabus 40 pp., Training Program of UNESCO 9.12.1998, Prague, Organized by: Tecon spol. s r.o., CZ





q         Zralý, M., Beran, T.: Controlling as an Approach to the Management of a Company and its Roots in Czech Republic, Workshop 99, pp.: 417, Prague, 1.-2.2.1999, Organized by: CTU Prague

q       Zralý, M.: How to Keep Running of the Company Firmly in Hands, , revised and completed version from 1998, In: Proceedings from the conference "Controlling Minimum for Managers ", 27 pp., 28.-29.4.1999, Prague, 28. - 29.4.1999, repetit: hotel Don Giovanni, Prague, 25.-26.1.2000 Organized by: Institute for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference


q         Zralý, M.: Managerial Utilisation of Hour Overhead Tariffs Method, In: Proceedings from the international conference "The Seventh Annual International Conference on Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Implications for the Economic Integration of the CEEC into a Wider Europe", pp.: 363-372, Polsko, Toruň, 6.-8.9.1999, Organized by: Nicolas Copernicus University of Torun


q       Zralý, M., Beran, T.: Production Cost Analysis, In: Proceedings from the conference: "Ways to increase Productivity in Machinery Company", pp. 5, Prague, 23.9.1999, Organized by: Masaryk Academy of Labor and Others




q       Zralý, M., Beran, T., Freiberg, F., Macík, K., Maxa M.: Costing in New Product Development Process, Workshop 2000, pp.: 665, ISBN: 80-01-02229-3, Prague, 14.-16.2.2000, Organized by: CTU Prague

q       Macík, K., Freiberg, F., Zralý, M..: Target Costs of a Machinery Product, Workshop 2000, pp.: 683, ISBN: 80-01-02229-3, Prague, 14.-16.2.2000, Organized by: CTU Prague

q       Zralý, M.: Controlling & Controlling & How and Way to Manage Cost, In: Proceedings from the conference: "Controlling Easy and Fast or Way to Manage Cost", pp. 27-29, Prague, 19.4.2000, Organized by: TES Prague a.s.

q         Freiberg, F., Zralý, M.: Costing as the Integration Part of the New Product Development Process, In: Proceedings from the international conference "The Eight Annual International Conference on Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Implications for the Economic Integration of the CEEC into a Wider Europe", pp.: 231-240, ISBN: 80-214-1683-1, CZ, Brno, 7.-9.9.2000, Organized by: FP BBS Brno

q       Zralý, M.: Cost as a Consequence of the Managerial Decision, In: Proceedings from the conference "Rapid Reduction of Cost", 17 pp., hotel Don Giovanni Prague, 24.-25.10.2000, Organized by: Institut for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference

q       Zralý, M.: Cost Control in the New Product Development Process In: Proceedings from the international conference Integrated Engineering in Enterprise Management, pp.: 63-68, ISBN: 80-01-02248-X, CZ, Prague, 30.11.2000, Organized by: CTU v Praze, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


q       Freiberg, F., Macík, K., Zralý, M.: Integration of Technical, Market and Economic Aspects in Product Development In: Proceedings from the international conference "Integrated Engineering in Enterprise Management", pp.: 75-79, ISBN: 80-01-02248-X, CZ, Prague, 30.11.2000, Organized by: CTU v Praze, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering




q       Zralý, M., Beran, T., Freiberg, F., Macík, K.: Cost Models for Technical Processes, Workshop 2001, pp.: 1054-1055, ISBN: 80-01-02335-4, Prague, 5.-7.2.2001, Organized by: CTU Prague

q       Macík, K., Freiberg, F., Zralý, M.: Product Cost Modelling with regard to Material, Labour and Energy Structures, Workshop 2000, pp.: 1082-1083, ISBN:80-01-02335-4, Prague, 5.-7.2001, Organized by: CTU Prague

q       Zralý, M.: Accounting and Controlling - How Tight should the Relationship to Be, In: Proceedings from the conference "Finance and accounting", 9 pp., hotel Diplomat Prague, 24.-25.4.2001, Organized by: Institut for International Research, Wien, Note:Chairmanship on the conference

q       Zralý, M.: BSC - An Innovative Tool?, In: Proceedings from the conference "Balanced Scorecard in Czech Environment", 9 pp., Prague, hotel Prague, 27.4.2001, Organized by: Controller-Institut Prague

q       Zralý, M., Maxa M.: How to Keep Running of the Company Firmly in Hands, In: Proceedings from the conference "Controllingové forum", 25 pp., hotel Crowne Plaza Prague, 11.-12.6.2001, Organized by: Point Consulting, Note: Chairmanship on the conference

q       Zralý, M.: Recent Reporting in Management System, In: Proceedings from the conference "Reporting and recent information technology", 5 pp., hotel Mövenpick Prague, 18.-19.9.2001, Organized by: Institut for International Research, Wien, Note: Chairmanship on the conference

q       Zralý, M.: Marketing and Cost Control in the New Product Development Process In: Proceedings from the international conference "Integrated Engineering in Enterprise Management", pp.: 84-88, ISBN:80-01-02396-6, CZ, Brno, 26.9.2001, Organized by: Institute of Management and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague

q       Zralý, M.: Marketing and Cost Factors in the Sophisticated Machine Tools Development Process, In: Proceedings from the international conference "New Trends in industial Development", 7 pp.,CZ, Brno, 6.-7.12.2001, Organized by: PF BBS Brno




q         Zralý, M., Beran T.: Project "Michadlo": Integration Consequences, Workshop 2002, pp.: 1180-1181, ISBN:  80-01-02511-x, Prague, 2/2002, Organized by:  CTU v Praze

q         Zralý, M.: Cost Reasons Analysis, In: Proceedings from the conference "Cost Controlling in Financial Organizations", 14 pp., hotel Crowne Plaza Prague, 23.-24.4.2002,  Organized by: Institute for International Research,Wien

q         Zralý, M.: Controlling and Recent Management of the Company, In: Proceedings from the conference "Controlling Forum", 25 pp., hotel Crowne Plaza Prague, 11.-12.6.2002,  Organized by: Point Consulting,   Note: Chairmanship on the conference

q         Zralý, M.: Integration in Enterprise Controlling Application, In: Proceedings from the international conference "The Tenth Annual International Conference on Business and Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Implications for the Economic Integration of the CEEC into a Wider Europe", pp.: 522-527, ISBN:   80-86510-39-5, CZ, Brno, 6.-7.9.2002, Organized by: FP BBS Brno

q         Zralý, M.: Master Budget: Primarily it is about Activities, In: Proceedings from the conference "Budget in praxis", 30 pp., hotel Crowne Plaza Prague, 10.-11.9.2002,  Organized by: Institute for International Research, Wien,  Note: Chairmanship on the conference  

q         Zralý, M.: Methodology of Activity Set for Product Set (AS/PS), ) In: Proceedings 3. from the international conference "Integrated Engineering in Enterprise Management", pp.: 124-128, ISBN: 80-01-02559-4, CZ, Brno, 17.9.2002, Organized by: Institute of Management and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague and others Prague

q         Zralý, M.: Integrative characteristics of AS/PS Methodology, In: Proceedings from the conference to the Research Project "Method and Tools of Integrative Engineering", 8 pp., Prague, 12/2002, Organized by: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague    




q         Zralý, M.: Product Costing: Starting Target of Development Process or Result of Development?, Workshop 2003, pp.: 1180-1181, ISBN:   80-01-02511-x, Prague, 2/2003, Organized by:  CTU v Praze

q         Zralý, M.: Controlling and Its Role in Company Management, In: Proceedings from the conference " Controlling Effects for Company Control: Recent Theory and Practice", pp.: 3-24, ISBN: 80-86324-29-6, Prague, 2.-3.6.2003,  Organized by: VOX,  Note: Chairmanship on the conference 



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